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by Rishal Hurbans

由Rishal Hurbans

用数据分析了一年的生活后学到的东西 (What I learned after analyzing my life for a year with data)

In search of a less anxious, more meaningful, and hopefully happier and successful life, I decided to record my behavior and habits for an entire year. I called it LifeOps. It came from an idea for a system that is aware of your goals and behaviors. The system would provide recommendations and suggestions to better achieve those goals, build positive habits, and be more successful.

为了减少焦虑,有意义,希望幸福和成功的生活,我决定记录自己整整一年的行为和习惯。 我称它为LifeOps。 它来自于了解您的目标和行为的系统的想法。 该系统将提供建议和建议,以更好地实现这些目标,养成积极的习惯并取得更大的成功。

The idea is that behaviors that are seemingly unrelated to goals still impact them — and we don’t even notice or realize the impact. Additionally, by being cognizant of our behavior, we are always aware of shortfalls and can adjust accordingly. By recording and analyzing data, and changing my behavior, I was able to achieve goals and learn more about myself.

这个想法是,与目标无关的行为仍然会影响目标-我们甚至不会注意到或意识到影响。 此外,通过意识到自己的行为,我们总是意识到不足之处,并可以做出相应的调整。 通过记录和分析数据,以及改变自己的行为,我能够实现目标并了解更多有关我自己的信息。

日常生活 (Day-to-day life)

日间工作 (Day Job)

My day-to-day life is pretty busy, and not just regular busy — there’s a lot of context switching. I am a solutions architect at a custom software development company, which in itself requires my focus to be split among different things in a single day.

我的日常生活非常忙碌,而不仅是日常忙碌-有很多上下文切换。 我是一家定制软件开发公司的解决方案架构师,这本身就需要我将精力集中在一天之内。

As a solutions architect, I work with problems I’m introduced to immediately without much time to research the business domain and technical landscape, or become a seasoned expert in that area. This requires rapid learning of the business domain and the problem at hand. I have to leverage my existing technical knowledge and experience, and then design possible solutions to these problems. This side involves a lot of communication, collaboration, and high level thinking.

作为解决方案架构师,我无需太多时间就研究业务领域和技术前景,或者成为该领域的资深专家,就可以立即解决我遇到的问题。 这需要快速学习业务领域和眼前的问题。 我必须利用现有的技术知识和经验,然后设计针对这些问题的可能解决方案。 这一方面涉及很多沟通,协作和高级思考。

Another facet of the role includes working with teams to solve more specific problems and designing solutions for the best possible outcome going forward. This side involves a lot of technical problem solving and working with development teams.

角色的另一个方面包括与团队合作解决更具体的问题,并设计解决方案以实现可能的最佳结果。 这方面涉及很多技术问题的解决以及与开发团队的合作。

Thought/technical leadership is another aspect of my work. I need to create strategies and tactics (and a lot of the time execute on them) for growth in technical leadership within the organization. This means working on a high level perspective, but on an organizational level rather than on a specific business domain. I must apply an understanding of people and their goals to strengthen the credibility of the organization. I also need to mentor and motivate people to execute on strategies to strengthen the organization and to help them grow as individuals.

思想/技术领导是我工作的另一方面。 我需要制定战略和策略(以及很多时间执行这些策略和策略),以提高组织内的技术领导力。 这意味着要从高层次的角度进行工作,但要在组织级别而不是特定的业务领域进行工作。 我必须运用对人员及其目标的理解来增强组织的信誉。 我还需要指导和激励人们执行战略,以加强组织并帮助他们成长为个人。

The last facet of my role is research and development. I need to keep up-to-date with technology trends and get my hands dirty in understanding how new technologies work and fit together. This helps me better advise both clients and teams as a solutions architect, plus it’s fun.

我角色的最后一个方面是研发。 我需要了解最新的技术趋势,并弄清新技术的工作原理和融合方法。 这有助于我更好地为客户和团队提供解决方案架构师的建议,而且很有趣。

梦想 (The Dream)

Aside from all this, I founded Prolific Idea in 2015. My goal was to build the ideas I have for a more productive and prolific future for individuals, businesses, and the world as a whole (yep, sounds cheesy).

除此之外,我还在2015年创立了Prolific Idea。我的目标是建立自己的想法,为个人,企业和整个世界创造一个更高产,多产的未来(是的,听起来很俗气)。

I’ve always believed that building an extraordinary experience for people using technology that does something useful is key to success. I still do, but on this journey, I’ve realized that having a well-developed product is not enough. Thought and effort also needs to be put into strategy, marketing, finance management, and other business-related areas. I’m still learning and experimenting a lot in this space.

我一直认为,为使用有用的技术的人们提供非凡的体验是成功的关键。 我仍然这样做,但是在此旅途中,我已经意识到拥有完善的产品是不够的。 还需要在策略,营销,财务管理以及其他与业务相关的领域中投入思想和精力。 我还在这个领域学习和尝试很多东西。

更多激情 (More Passions)

Apart from everything I’ve already mentioned, I have a burning passion to educate and empower people. I run monthly Artificial Intelligence meet ups/hackathons to empower local technologists so they can further their personal and professional projects with an understanding of AI techniques.

除了我已经提到的所有内容之外,我还热衷于教育和增强人们的能力。 我每月举办一次人工智能聚会/黑客马拉松,以增强本地技术人员的能力,使他们可以在了解AI技术的基础上进一步发展个人和专业项目。

I also often share my knowledge at conferences and meet ups, which is great for meeting new people and learning wildly different things.


Additionally, I enjoy game development. It’s a big part of the reason I got into the tech space, so I try to experiment with my ideas when I find the time.

此外,我喜欢游戏开发。 这是我进入技术领域的很大一部分原因,因此我会在发现时间时尝试尝试自己的想法。

体会 (Experiences)

Another part of my life includes recreational and self-calling activities, like travelling and experiencing new cultures, people, and dynamics. I’ve always wanted to travel to different and interesting places in the world and explore possibilities.

我生活的另一部分包括娱乐活动和自传活动,例如旅行和体验新的文化,人文和动态。 我一直想去世界各地有趣的地方探索各种可能性。

And lastly, I’m a social being. I want to be able to enjoy time with friends, discussing ideas, collaborating, and meeting new people. But this becomes more difficult with my work, dream goals, and passions.

最后,我是一个社交者。 我希望能够与朋友一起度过时光,讨论想法,合作并结识新朋友。 但是随着我的工作,梦想的目标和激情,这变得更加困难。

自发 (Being Spontaneous)

One of my goals from prior years was to be more spontaneous. When I discover something fun or different to do, I always evaluate all possibilities, the time I’d be taking, and the impact of doing whatever was presented.

我往年的目标之一是更加自发。 当我发现要做的事情有趣或有所不同时,我会始终评估所有可能性,要花费的时间以及所做的一切所带来的影响。

I wanted to let go of all of that and do things that feel right. This meant that I would be doing new things and spending time with different people that disrupted my plans. But that outcome would likely be better than overthinking things and missing out on experiences that could be loads of fun, and possibly change my mindset for the better.

我想放开所有这些,做一些感觉不错的事情。 这意味着我可能会做些新事情,并与破坏我计划的其他人在一起。 但是,这种结果可能比思考过多,错过可能带来很多乐趣的经历更好,并且可能使我的思维方式变得更好。

From what you’ve read so far, you can tell my life is really BUSY. And this doesn’t even include all the personal challenges and tasks that occupy my mind on a daily basis. Health and emotional wellbeing are big ones that I’ve struggled with but that deserve effort and focus.

从到目前为止的内容中,您可以看出我的生活确实很忙。 而且这甚至不包括我每天都会想到的所有个人挑战和任务。 健康和情感健康是我一直努力奋斗的重要方面,但值得努力和关注。

An important point is that it’s not that it’s just being busy — it’s mental overhead spread across all these different things that I’m trying to achieve. Many may say “you’re spreading yourself too thin”, and I completely agree. However, I am passionate about each and every thing I mentioned thus far. There’s an itch for them all, and I needed to find a way to make it work without burning out, hating my life, or feeling anxious all the time.

重要的一点是,不仅仅是忙碌,而是我试图实现的所有这些不同方面的精神开销。 许多人可能会说“你太分散自己了”,我完全同意。 但是,到目前为止,我对我提到的每件事都充满热情。 他们所有人都感到很痒,我需要找到一种方法来使它正常工作,而又不会一直精疲力竭,讨厌我的生活或感到焦虑。

So this brought me to using data to learn more about myself, so that I could attempt to optimize my life.


我记录的指标 (Metrics I recorded)

The idea of recording metrics about my life is not new to me. A friend and I had the idea for that platform that knows your goals and behaviors and then provides suggestions, support, and insights to help you achieve those goals. It worked on some behavioral changes and used gamification techniques — and this was back in 2013.

记录有关我的生活的指标的想法对我来说并不陌生。 我和一个朋友对这个平台有一个想法,那就是了解您的目标和行为,然后提供建议,支持和见解,以帮助您实现这些目标。 它研究了一些行为上的改变并使用了游戏化技术-早在2013年。

After developing a basic prototype, I realized that there would be a lot more work involved in making it usable and useful. A few years went by during which I had little time to commit to the project, and development halted.

在开发了基本的原型之后,我意识到使它变得有用和有用将涉及更多的工作。 几年后,我几乎没有时间致力于该项目,开发也停了下来。

But in December of 2016, I realized that the app was not the most valuable part. The idea and what would enable was. So I decided to use myself as a guinea pig by simulating it on a spreadsheet.

但是在2016年12月,我意识到该应用不是最有价值的部分。 这个想法以及实现的目标是。 因此,我决定通过在电子表格上进行仿真来将自己用作豚鼠。

收集正确的数据 (Gathering the right data)

I created a spreadsheet that included metrics on things I did on a daily basis to gain a deeper understanding of my behavior and my progress towards my goals.


My main problems have been:


  • Context switching — Prioritising tasks and removing others from my mind until they’re scheduled to be focused on.

    上下文切换 -确定任务的优先级,将其他任务从我脑海中移开,直到计划将其重点关注。

  • Urge to do more — I often have the urge to start a new project or work on one of my other ideas before completing a previous one. There’s just so many ideas and questions!

    敦促做更多的事情 -我经常想在开始上一个项目之前就开始一个新项目或处理我的其他一个想法。 有太多的想法和问题!

  • Learning new things — I have a list of things I want to learn, and the list keeps growing, without me actually learning anything on the list.

    学习新事物 -我有一个我想学习的东西的清单,而且清单还在不断增长,而我却没有实际学习该清单上的任何东西。

  • Switching off — Understanding that the brain needs time off work to perform well.

    关闭 -了解大脑需要休息时间才能表现良好。

  • Insomnia — Which lead to not sleeping enough and feeling terrible on most mornings.

    失眠 -在大多数早晨会导致睡眠不足并感到恐惧。

  • Junk — I consumed too many soft drinks and energy drinks.

    垃圾 -我喝了太多的汽水和能量饮料。

  • Food — I don’t cook (I really should learn), so I eat out a lot, or get meals from the local store.

    食物 -我不会做饭(我确实应该学习),所以我会大量外出就餐,或者从当地商店买东西。

  • Eating right — I usually skipped breakfast and lunch, then would have a big dinner and sometimes eat junk food to compensate.

    正确饮食 -我通常不吃早餐和午餐,然后吃一顿丰盛的晚餐,有时吃一些垃圾食品来弥补。

  • Self care — This is a bit overarching, but includes making time to take care of myself, my health, and understand that it’s okay to just do nothing.

    自我护理 -这有点笼统,但包括抽出时间照顾自己,我的健康,并了解无所事事是可以的。

I created a “fixed” schedule as a guideline for myself. The schedule time-blocked a part of each day to be productive around a certain theme. I decided to choose at most two themes per day. This allowed me to consciously know what I would say yes to and what I would say no to on a given day.

我为自己创建了一个“固定”时间表作为指导。 日程安排将每天的一部分时间限制在某个主题周围,以提高工作效率。 我决定每天最多选择两个主题。 这让我有意识地知道我会说什么,我会说没有在某一天。

The schedule and themes changed slightly on a weekly basis, but having some guidelines helped me eliminate things from my mind which would have their dedicated time on other days.


井井有条 (Getting organized)

A todo list has always been the centre of my activities. Now that I had focused themes, I could eliminate noise from the list when a task wasn’t part of the theme for the day. Wunderlist has been really helpful, because it allows you to prioritize tasks to focus on in different sections on a specific day by starring them.

待办事项清单一直是我活动的中心。 既然我已经集中了主题,那么当任务不是当天主题的一部分时,我可以从列表中消除杂音。 Wunderlist确实很有帮助,因为它使您可以通过对任务加注星标来确定任务在特定日期的优先级。

After outlining my problems, and having an idea of my goals and passions in mind, I started recording the following:


  • Time I woke up.

  • Did I have time for self care?

  • Did I eat breakfast, and if yes, what did I eat?

  • Time I left home for work — traffic is pretty crazy in the area I live in.

  • Time I arrived at work.

  • Did I eat lunch, and if yes, what did I eat?

  • Learnings or achievements at work.

  • Time I left work for home.

  • Time I arrived at home.

  • Places I visited within the day.

  • Time towards Prolific Idea, and learnings or achievements thereof.

  • Did I eat dinner, and if yes, what did I eat?

  • Leisure time. What did I do for leisure and how long did it take — usually gaming or TV.

    闲暇时间。 我为休闲做了什么,花了多长时间(通常是游戏或电视)。
  • Number of repetitions for various exercises. E.g. push-ups, squats, sit-ups, planking, and so on.

    各种练习的重复次数。 例如俯卧撑,下蹲,仰卧起坐,木板等。
  • Amount of water consumed.

  • Junk food consumed.

  • Alcohol consumed.

  • Number of cigarettes — trying to cut down (or quit) smoking.

  • Weight — trying to be more healthy and fit.

  • Sentiment — Feeling positive, feeling negative, or feeling meh.

  • Journal — a description of the day.


I started recording each of these features of my day on 10 January 2017. I made sure that it was a ritual I completed every night: when I got into bed, I would record these observations on a Google Sheet. I also setup some calculations to give me some guidance on what was going right and what was going wrong.

我从2017年1月10日开始记录每天的所有这些功能。我确保这是我每天晚上都完成的一项仪式:上床睡觉后,我会将这些观察结果记录在Google表格上。 我还进行了一些计算,以对正确的和错误的问题提供一些指导。

In almost no time, it became second nature to capture the data. I could arrive home really late after a long day, or a night out, and still capture the data. This also allowed me to reflect on my day, and decide if my behavior that day was helping me achieve my goals. It also guided me in my goals for the next day.

几乎没有时间,捕获数据已成为第二天性。 经过漫长的一天或一个晚上,我可能真的很晚才回家,仍然可以捕获数据。 这也使我能够反思自己的一天,并决定那天的行为是否在帮助我实现自己的目标。 这也指导了我第二天的目标。

I also looked at my behavior and trends from previous weeks to decide where I needed to focus in the next week.


我所做的更改 (Changes I made)

By evaluating the data and setting short term goals, I was able to make some changes. These changes helped me achieve a small portion of my goals by using knowledge about my behavior.

通过评估数据并设定短期目标,我可以进行一些更改。 这些变化通过使用有关行为的知识帮助我实现了目标的一小部分。

Here are some of them:


  • Time-blocking: I was able to get more done in a specific context by ensuring that the time I’d allocated to it on the calendar was used well.


  • Focus: Since I forced myself to focus on a specific thing at any given time, this increased focus on the task at hand and resulted in higher productivity.


  • Water consumption: By being aware of the exact number of litres of water I consumed, I was able to change my behaviour and consume enough water. I did this by taking a 1.5L bottle of water with me every day, and I made sure to finish it.

    耗水量:通过了解我所消耗的水的确切数量,我能够改变自己的行为并消耗足够的水。 我每天都随身带一瓶1.5升水来做到这一点,而且我确保完成它。

  • Junk food consumption: I made a consious decision to pause and think before I decided to eat or drink something. This helped me eliminate most soft drinks and typical junk food from my diet.

    垃圾食品消费:我做出了一个明智的决定,在决定吃东西之前先停下来思考一下。 这有助于我从饮食中消除大多数软饮料和典型的垃圾食品。

  • Health: By keeping track of the amount of water I was drinking, the food I ate, and the junk food I consumed, I was able to understand where I could cut down and improve. I decided that I would eat a small breakfast, but I was usually pressed for time. So I would get yogurt and muesli weekly that took little time to prepare and consume. Don’t get me wrong, since I wasn’t used to eating in the morning, some days I couldn’t get it down. But I forced myself for the greater good. Water was also a big one. I stopped having soft drinks throughout the day, and challenged myself to drink at least 1.5 litres of water instead. My meals were also changing. Instead of getting the most satisfying meal, I forced my self to eat something a little more boring and healthy when I ate out or got food from a store.

    健康:通过跟踪我所喝的水量,所吃的食物和所消费的垃圾食品,我能够了解到可以减少和改善的地方。 我决定要吃一顿小早餐,但通常我会被时间压缩。 因此,我每周都会喝酸奶和牛奶什锦早餐,而这些时间几乎不需要准备和食用。 不要误会我的意思,因为我早上不习惯吃东西,所以有时候我无法忍受。 但是我为了更大的利益而强迫自己。 水也很大。 我整天都停止喝汽水,并挑战自己至少喝1.5升水。 我的饭菜也在改变。 当我出去吃饭或从商店里买东西时,我没有吃最令人满意的饭,而是强迫自己吃些无聊又健康的东西。

  • Sleep: I noticed huge irregularities in my sleep. When I can’t sleep, I think a lot about everything, so I decided to find ways to improve this. I purchased a sleep tracking app, and created a routine before going to bed. I would take a warm shower, and I avoided my phone or laptop. This has made a difference, but there’s still a LONG way to go. The data also shows that sleep is likely the key contributing factor in following my plan for the day. It impacts energy, emotion, and motivation.

    睡眠:我注意到我的睡眠有很大的不规则现象。 当我无法入睡时,我会考虑很多事情,因此我决定寻找方法来改善这一点。 我购买了一个睡眠跟踪应用程序,并在睡觉前创建了一个例程。 我要洗个热水澡,所以我避免使用手机或笔记本电脑。 这有所作为,但是还有很长的路要走。 数据还显示,睡眠可能是遵循我当天计划的关键因素。 它会影响精力,情感和动力。

数据教训 (Lessons from the data)

I’ve been time-blocking my days, capturing data on my life, and putting focus on only a subset of things in my todo list based on the themes for each day. This is what I’ve learned from an analytic perspective:

我一直在浪费时间,收集生活数据,并根据每天的主题只关注待办事项清单中的一小部分事情。 这是我从分析的角度学到的:

  • Sleep: I sleep an average of 5.5 hrs. This needs to improve.

    睡眠:我平均睡眠5.5个小时。 这需要改进。

  • Water: Intake achieved is 1.5 litres.


  • Food: Forcing myself to have regular meals had no effect on my sentiment, but had health benefits in terms of losing weight.


  • Junk food: I cut down consistently, but when I cheat, I cheat hard.

    垃圾食品:我坚持不懈地减肥 ,但是当我作弊时,我会作弊。

  • Energy drinks: Almost all days that I had energy drinks created a negative sentiment. Disrupted sleep, and created toxic cycles.

    能量饮料:几乎所有食用能量饮料的日子都产生了负面情绪。 睡眠中断,并产生中毒循环。

  • Learning: The days I learn more or achieve something are days I’m most happy regardless of falling short on other goals.


  • Weight: By increasing water intake, cutting out regular junk food, and light exercise, I lost 9kg.


  • Travel: Longer travel times meant worse days, but when I was traveling and seeing new places, my sentiment was higher.


  • Productivity: Dividing the days of my work week into themed segments improved productivity and reduced anxiety. This was one of the largest successes of this exercise. I was more focused and effective by allowing my mind to dedicate itself to a single task for a few hours a day, rather than trying to juggle multiple ad-hoc themes.

    生产力:将工作日的天数分成主题部分,可以提高生产力并减少焦虑。 这是此练习最大的成功之一。 通过让我的头脑每天专注于一项任务,而不是试图处理多个临时主题,我变得更加专注和有效。

向前进 (Moving forward)

After analyzing the data of my life for a year, I’ve learned that there are a few things that I need most to further optimize my life, achieve my goals, and be as highly performing as possible:


More granular goals: I can’t just have micro level data and high level goals. I need to create weekly themes and goals, as well as monthly themes and goals to create the focus needed to get something tangible done.

更精细的目标 :我不能只拥有微观数据和高层目标。 我需要创建每周主题和目标,以及每月主题和目标,以创建完成某项工作所需的焦点。

Thinking and ideating is great (which I do all the time), but manifesting it into something meaningful is always on the todo list for a day that never comes — this needs to change.


Get things done quickly: I often delayed trivial tasks for later — small things like taking out garbage, or cleaning my laptop. A big game changer is completing trivial tasks as soon as possible. Responding to an email, doing a domestic task, shopping for something vital, and so on.

快速完成工作 :我经常将琐碎的任务推迟到以后–诸如清除垃圾或清洁笔记本电脑之类的小事情。 大型游戏规则改变者将尽快完成琐碎的任务。 回复电子邮件,执行家务劳动,购买重要物品等等。

By completing these tasks as soon as possible, you reduce the mental overhead of remembering to do them. Even if you think they’re not taking up space in your head, they are. These tasks cause anxiety whether you know it or not. Get trivial tasks done as soon as you can, and it will make you feel less lazy, more productive, and have a positive outcome overall.

通过尽快完成这些任务,可以减少记住记住这些任务的精神负担。 即使您认为它们没有占用您的头部空间,也可以。 无论您是否知道,这些任务都会引起焦虑。 尽快完成琐碎的任务,这会使您感到不那么懒惰,更有生产力,并且总体上会带来积极的结果。

More data: I need to record more data on a daily basis to better understand the exact activities I’m involved in, the things I’m consuming, and the time I use.

更多数据 :我需要每天记录更多数据,以更好地了解我所参与的确切活动,所消耗的东西以及所用的时间。

Ease of capture: Capturing the data on a spreadsheet is cumbersome. The goal with Misana (the software system that this is meant to be) is to make capturing this data easy. Ideally, I would automate it via phone sensors and machine learning.

易于捕获 :在电子表格中捕获数据非常麻烦。 Misana(这是软件系统)的目标是使捕获这些数据变得容易。 理想情况下,我将通过电话传感器和机器学习使其自动化。

Real-time analytics and prescriptions: I currently need to capture all the data for a day to understand the daily, weekly, monthly, and overall analytics via some fancy formulas in a spreadsheet. If something could provide me with real-time analytics and guidance, I could easily work towards achieving my goals without the administrative overhead.

实时分析和处方 :我目前需要一天捕获所有数据,以通过电子表格中的一些公式来了解每日,每周,每月和整体分析。 如果可以为我提供实时分析和指导,那么我可以轻松实现自己的目标而无需管理开销。

Beyond these points, I’ve learned something that cannot be described completely or quantified. I’ve learned that by acknowledging that I can improve, and making an effort to analyze myself (along with the things I do and the reasons I do them) and compare that to the goals I have, small improvements can be made. With small changes to myself and my life, I was able to achieve things which were just “future goals” in my mind. I was able to make a difference with small but conscious changes to the way I went about my day.

除了这些要点,我学到了一些无法完全描述或量化的东西。 我了解到,通过承认自己可以进步,并努力分析自己(以及所做的事情和做这些事情的原因),并将其与我的目标进行比较,可以做出一些小的改进。 通过对自己和我的生活进行微小的改变,我就能实现那些只是“未来目标”的事情。 我可以通过小而有意识的方式改变自己的生活方式,从而有所作为。

未来 (The future)


Between all the goals I strive towards and the daily grind, there’s still noise in my mind about what to do, when to do it, and what value it has. Although it is improving, every new idea is there to disrupt it. Sometimes I feel like I’m fighting all those ideas.

在我努力追求的所有目标与日常工作之间,我的想法仍然是做什么,何时做以及具有什么价值。 尽管它正在改进,但是每一个新的想法都可以破坏它。 有时我觉得我正在与所有这些想法作斗争。

I’m a strong believer in not being a sheep (someone who conforms to the norms of society and settles for mediocracy). Routine makes me feel like a sheep, but it’s also something that we crave as humans. On the extreme side, freedom may mean chaos and uncertainty. But for me, it means the elimination of stress and the ability to do what feels right without fear.

我坚信不要成为绵羊(遵循社会规范并为军人统治的人)。 例行让我感觉像只绵羊,但这也是我们人类渴望的东西。 在极端方面,自由可能意味着混乱和不确定性。 但是对我而言,这意味着消除压力和无惧恐惧地做正确事的能力。

I’ve learned that improving my health was crucial to my cause. By making an effort to do things that benefit your health including sleeping well, eating right, and exercising, other goals become easier. You feel better, have more energy, and sometimes more motivation.

我了解到,改善健康状况对我的事业至关重要。 通过努力做有益于健康的事情,包括良好的睡眠,正确饮食和锻炼身体,其他目标变得更加容易。 您会感觉好些,有更多的精力,有时甚至更有动力。

When presented with something new that makes you feel uncomfortable, consider doing it. Doing new things that take you out of your comfort zone is one of the best ways to grow.

当出现令您感到不舒服的新事物时,请考虑这样做。 做一些能让您脱离舒适区的新事物,是成长的最佳方法之一。

The bottom line from this exercise is to do something different, forgive small errors, and constantly work towards the things you’re passionate about. Instead of complaining or feeling disempowered, do something small that changes the way you live, think, work, and exist.

此练习的底线是做一些不同的事情,宽恕一些小错误,并不断朝着您热衷的事情努力。 做些小事,改变您的生活,思想,工作和生存方式,而不是抱怨或感到无能为力。

技术 (Technology)

I use the following apps to help me prioritize, understand, and complete tasks that work towards my goals. Switching between them whilst trying to maintain productivity is difficult.

我使用以下应用程序来帮助我确定优先次序,了解并完成有助于实现目标的任务。 在试图保持生产率的同时在它们之间进行切换非常困难。

  • Outlook flagged emails.

  • Inbox pinned emails.

  • Calendar events.

  • Calendar focus blocks.

  • Trello boards on various projects.

  • Slack messages.

  • Categorized to-do lists.

  • Spreadsheet with daily habits.

  • Spreadsheet with overarching weekly and monthly goals.


Surely this can be consolidated into a single platform that captures the essence of being productive and working towards goals seamlessly. This is the future of Misana, an app that I hope to develop and ship in the future.

当然,可以将其整合到一个平台中,该平台体现了生产力和无缝实现目标的本质。 这就是Misana的未来,我希望该应用将来能够开发和发布。


I hope you can take some of the lessons that I have learned in this process and look introspectively at yourself. I challenge you to change your lifestyle. Try to create order while being spontaneous in your daily life, your monthly ambitions, and your overarching life goals.

我希望您能吸取我在此过程中学到的一些教训,并内省地看待自己。 我挑战你改变你的生活方式。 尝试在日常生活,月度野心和总体生活目标中自发形成秩序。

For me, gathering data and learning from it worked. You may need less structure and do small but meaningful acts in your routine that help you achieve your goals or do things that currently seem beyond the realm of reality for you.

对我来说,收集数据并从中学习是可行的。 您可能需要较少的结构,并在例程中执行一些细微但有意义的操作,这些操作可以帮助您实现目标或对您而言超出当前现实范围。

Being cognizant about your behavior and goals can make a tremendous difference. Regardless of the method, do something that takes you out of your comfort zone and forces you to elevate yourself to do something that contributes towards what you’re striving for.

认识自己的行为和目标可以产生巨大的变化。 无论采用哪种方法,都应做一些能让您脱离舒适区的事情,并强迫您提升自己,以做对自己所追求的事情有所帮助的事情。

In response to a request after this was published, I put together an example spreadsheet that you can use and experiment with. .

为了响应发布后的请求,我整理了一个示例电子表格,您可以使用它并进行试验。 。

I’m always interested in your experiences. If you have any suggestions or remarks, let me know. Keep in touch ✌️

我一直对您的经历感兴趣。 如果您有任何建议或意见,请告诉我。 保持联系✌️

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I’ll be writing more, so follow me on Medium if you’re interested.


I’m available on email via rishal[at]prolificidea[dot]com

我可以通过rishal [at] prolificidea [dot] com接收电子邮件

You can also comment below and I will make an effort to respond.


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